Volunteer & Earn More!

Registration opens 6 weeks prior to each event. thank you!

One 4 hour shift = 65% of your sales & a 3pm presale pass!
Two 4 hour shifts = 70% of your sales & a 2pm presale pass!

Volunteering at the sale is fun and a great way to meet new people! We have many time slots open throughout the sale week. We immensely appreciate all those who offer their time...thank you in advance! Please note: volunteers do not earn a discount on purchased items.

Positions at the sale include rack set up, assiting with check in, scanning & bagging sold items, organizing items and assisting shoppers during the sale. If you have a special need please email us so we can direct you to the best shift. Thank you!

Click Here to SIGN UP NOW!!

Team Leaders & Committee members

80% of your sales & a 12pm presale pass

If you are interested in being a team leader or being on one of our committees and have volunteered for at least two sales please email us for more information. Committee positions require a 18-20 hour commitment. Click Here to for more information. Thanks!

Other Volunteer Options

Are you interested in an early shopping pass or a higher consignment percent but aren't available during the sale week? We understand that some of you may not be able to volunteer your time at the sale but would still like the benefits of working a 4-hour shift. There are a limited number of positions available that do not require you to be at the sale. They are available on a first come basis, considering everyone's individual situation and the needs of the sale. Positions are listed below. We will do our best to accommodate everyone.

Put it on the Honey Do List

An additional 5% of your sales & a 3pm presale pass

You can recruit your husband or a friend to work a shift for you! You will receive full credit for his/her 4 hours. (Sign up using your own name and let us know of your substitution by emailing amanda@thekidsclothesline.com)

Click Here to SIGN UP NOW!!

Marketing Volunteer

An additional 5% of your sales & a 3pm presale pass

Post flyers or hand out post cards to at least 15 locations that allow you to place a flyer. Flyers are distributed to daycare centers, preschools, children's gyms, community and private bulletin boards and other locations throughout the area. We also ask that you wear a TKC vehicle magnet on your vehicle for the weeks leading up to the sale. This position is the equivilant of one 4 hour shift at the sale. You must be a registered consignor to fill this position. Locations must be no further than 30 minutes from the sale location.

ClickHere to SIGN UP NOW!

Please note: Shifts are available on a first come first serve basis. You can only sign up for one markeing position. One presale pass is earned per person. A volunteer pass entitles one person admittance to the pre sale. You may bring children under 13 without a pass. You MUST have a pass for entrance. If you have lost your pass replacement passes are available for a $25 fee.

If you volunteer for any position we are counting on you to follow through. In the event you do not fulfill your commitment, or find a comparable replacement, you will not be allowed to participate as a volunteer in the future. Please understand that these guidelines have been put in to place to maintain a high quality sale